After understanding the limitations associated with the ways you envision using your property, you can begin to plan measures to avoid coming into conflict with those restrictions. For example, owners that plan on modifying their use of their property can apply for a variance and when its done properly and the community process ratifies that change, the owner is insulated from the kind of controversy that Mr. Corgan faces as he attempts to unring the bell. The zoning commission may come forth with recommendations or suggestions which could prove illuminating. If rejected, property owners can always work around the zoning rule.
Zoning conflicts for commercial development often is more complex and requires knowledge of the specific issues involved. Each bundle of sticks that represent the various property rights is vital to a commercial land owner and losing one due to misunderstanding what one can do on one's owner land can prove challenging. Avoid those situations by understanding beforehand what the local ordinances are that apply to your property, how they affect you, and how you can go about changing those ordinances or creating an exception or workaround for your intended property uses.